The midterm examination will be conducted in two parts:
1. A take home assignment, distributed in class toward the end of week four (also available online here). In this assignment, you will be asked to use any sources available to you from the class (and only from the class) to answer a thoughtful essay question. This take home assignment will then be due in class on April 30 (the day of the in-class midterm examination).
2. An in-class exam. This exam will comprise questions dealing with events, places, persons, and significant terms and ideas covered in the first half of the quarter. You will need a blue book for the in-class exam. Below you will find a list of significant terms which you could expect to see (in some form or another) on the in-class midterm.
Most of the exam will be straight identifications: I will list terms and ask you to provide relevant identification for them.
By relevant I mean:
If the term is a place, you should be able to: a) describe its location in Ancient Near East and Mediterranean; b) describe it in general terms; c) describe it in light of the history of ancient Judaism.
If the term is a person or an event, you should be able to: a) locate that person or even in time (i.e., when did that person live or when did that event occur) and b) describe who or what it is and c) what is its significance with respect to ancient Judaism.
If the term is a concept, you should be able to: a) give a general definition; b) give a definition related to ancient Judaism; c) give an example of this concept
Some time will (hopefully) be set aside on Tueseday of Week Five for review, but you are also welcome to start a discussion threat on the Blackboard site (link removed) and post questions and comments about the midterm there. (Please limit your discussion to the in-class exam.)
Alexander the Great Apocalypticism Babylonian Empire/Captivity Canon Cyrus the Great Dead Sea Scrolls Destruction of the Temple(s) Diaspora Elephantine Essenes First Jewish War Hasmonean Dynasty
Hellenism/Hellenization Herod the Great Herodian Dynasty Jerusalem Jesus Josephus Judaea Maccabean Revolt Messianism Paul Pharisees Ptolemies |
Qumran Roman Empire Sadducees Sects/Sectarianism Seleucids Septuagint (LXX) Tanak Targum Temple Torah Zealots Zion |
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