These are the most significant events and persons we will encounter in our study of ancient Christianity, laid out here so you can have a sense of relative chronological relationship (that is, "who came first").

Dates given for individuals indicate the years during which they were active, not their birth/death dates.

Additional events/persons may be added to this timeline in the course of the quarter, so check back regularly (changes or additions will be marked in red).


30 Crucifixion of Jesus
64 Deaths of Peter and Paul (?)
60s-120s Writing of the New Testament Documents
70 Destruction of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem
107? Martyrdom of Ignatius of Antioch
110s Pliny the Younger executes Christians
120s "Gnostic" authors first active in Alexandria and Rome
132-135 Second Jewish War
130s-160s Justin Martyr
140s Marcion
150s Martyrdom of Polycarp
170s Irenaeus of Lyon

Montanus begins "New Prophecy" movement in Asia Minor

Celsus writes The True Doctrine against Christianity

180s-200s Tertullian

Writing of the Muratorian Canon (?)

c. 202 Martyrdom of Perpetua and Felicitas
early 200s Clement of Alexandria
212 Universal grant of citizenship to all inhabitants of the Roman Empire
230s-250s Origen
240s-250s Cyprian
249-251 Decius's Persecution
270s Antony goes into the desert
290s-300s Porphyry
301 Conversion of Armenia
303-313 The "Great Persecution" (begun by Diocletian
311 Beginning of Donatist controversy in North Africa
313 Edict of Milan
318 Excommunication of Arius
320s Pachomius founds monastery (coenobium) in Upper Egypt

Constantine founds Constantinople as "New Rome"

325 Council of Nicaea
337 Death (and baptism) of Constantine
340s Persecution of Christians begins in Persian Empire
330s-370s Athanasius of Alexandria

Ephraim the Syrian

360s-370s Ulfilas converts the Goths to Arian Christianity

"Gnostic gospels" buried near Nag Hammadi

361-363 Julian the Apostate
370s-390s Ambrose of Milan

Gregory of Nazianzus

Emperor Theodosius I, establishes Christianity as the religion of the Roman Empire

380s Egeria goes to the holy land
381 Council of Constantinople
387 Conversion of Augustine
380s-400s John Chrysostom
380s-420 Jerome
390s-410s Pelagius
410 Sack of Rome by the Goths
415 Lynching of Hypatia in Alexandria

Discovery of Saint Stephen

420s-450s Symeon Stylites
430 Council of Ephesus
430s Deposition of Nestorius
451 Council of Chalcedon