February 25, 2016: Debate 1 Topic: Their Religion or Ours?
In the first debate, the two teams must persuade the judges of the following propositions:
Pro: We primarily study "other" religions in order to find something of ourselves.
Con: We primarily study "other" religion for their own sakes.
1. All team members must speak during the debate.
2. There will be eight judges, who will vote on the winner of the debate at its conclusion; Professor Jacobs will cast the tie-breaking vote if necessary.
3. Each side must make its points using only materials we have studied in class (including the documentary film, and any points that have been raised in class discussion)
4. Written notes and visual aids may be used during the debate.
10 minutes: Pro side lays out main points to argue their proposition
10 minutes: Con side lays out main points to argue their proposition
10 minutes: Break to prepare rebuttals
5 minutes: Pro side rebuttal
5 minutes: Con side rebuttal
5 minutes: Break for judges’ initial consultation
10 minutes: Judges pose questions (individual judges may choose to query either side of the debate, or both sides)
5 minutes: Break for judges’ final consultation and vote
Vote revealed; refreshments and discussion
Reminder: Debate write-up due to Sakai by class timeĀ on Tuesday, March 1, 2016