Online biblesOremus bible browser (allows you to quickly browse the Bible and also search for verses, key words)Bible Gateway (allows you to browse and compare multiple versions including the NRSVue) Tanakh (interlinear Hebrew/English Tanak) Interlinear Greek New Testament (link takes you to Matthew 1; change book, chapter, verse using interface at the top of the page; includes transliteration and grammar tools) Study guides & resourcesBible Odyssey (source of many short readings for this class, browse for lots more information), including a searchable bibliographyHarperCollins Bible Dictionary (housed at Bible Odyssey, a very handy glossary of terms) Virtual World Project (very cool set of maps, images, and 3-D tours of ancient sites, including many biblical sties) Virtual Religion: The Bible (metasite of sites related to biblical studies) Sefaria (a megasite of ancient, medieval, and modern resources having to do with Judaism, including biblical commentaries) Bible Gateway commentaries (library freely available biblical commentaries geared primary to evangelical Christian audiences) Course outlines (tentative outlines of what we'll be covering in class) Library resourcesThese resources are available through BU Libraries; you will have to log in to the library to access them remotelyAnchor Bible Yale Commentaries (dozens of scholarly commentaries and introductions to biblical books, parts of biblical books, and some noncanonical texts) Anchor Bible Dictionary (a multivolume encyclopedia of biblical topics) Oxford Bibliographies: Biblical Studies (short introductory articles that give up-to-date scholarly resources on biblical subjects) ATLA Religion Database (database of religious studies journal, searchable by topic and also by "scripture citation") More links and resources may be added in the course of the semester! |
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