Library resources

If you are not already logged into the BU Library system, you will be asked to do so when you click these links)

ATLA Religious Database (journal of articles and essays in scholarly books and journals)
Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism (entries on "classic" figures in criticism, including some overlap with the major theorists in the first half of our syllabus)
Encyclopedia of Religion (in addition to general topics of religion there are several entries on theories, methods, and theorists)
JSTOR (a massive database of academic journals and some books; you should log in through the BU Libraries page)
Method and Theory in the Study of Religion (an academic journal dedicated to method and theory in the study of religion)

General resources

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (has dozens of entries on topics related to religious studies)
Open Access Resources in Religious and Theological Studies (Duke University) (links to open access books, journals, data, and art related to religion and theology)
Voice of the Shuttle: Religious Studies (a topical grab bag of links to sites on all aspects of religious studies; not all links are up to date)

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