Tues., 9/3: Introductions
No readings

I. Christians in the Roman Empire

Thurs., 9/5: The Jesus Movement in its Imperial Context
Readings: Gospel of Mark; 1 Thessalonians (links take you to bare text; feel free to use any version of the New Testament you have at hand!)

For more information on the Gospel of Mark, click here
For more information on the apostle Paul and his letters, click here

Tues., 9/10: Roman Views of the First Christians
Readings: Earliest Roman Sources on Christianity; Ignatius of Antioch, To the Romans; *Robert Wilken, “Pliny: A Roman Gentleman

For more information on Pliny the Younger, check out this very detailed bio; you can also find a craft beer named after him!

Discussion post #1 due by 9pm on Wednesday, 9/11: VIOLENCE

Thurs., 9/12: Martyrs and Martyr-Tales
Readings: * “Passion of Perpetua and Felicitas”; * “Letter of the Churches of Lyon and Vienne

For more information here's a map of locations where martyrdoms are alleged to have taken place

Tues., 9/17: Defending Christianity
Readings: Athenagoras, Plea for Christians; Justin Martyr, 1 Apology, chs. 1–11

For more information on the Roman emperors to whom these "apologies" were addressed, you can find basic info and short biographies here (look for Antoninus Pius, Lucius Verus, and Marcus Aurelius)

Thurs., 9/19: Christian Conversion
Readings: Justin Martyr, Dialogue with Trypho the Jew, chs. 1-9; *Robert Wilken, “Christians as a Burial Society”

For more information on ancient "associations" (collegia) in the ancient Mediterranean, find texts and artifacts here

II. Ways of Being Christian

Tues., 9/24: Christians as New Israel
Readings: Epistle of Barnabas; Melito of Sardis, On the Passover

For more information on the complicated history of Jewish-Christian Relations, you'll find lots of resources here

Thurs., 9/26: Christians as Spiritual
Readings: Secret Book of John; *David Brakke, The Gnostics, ch. 3

For more information on Nag Hammadi and gnosticism (past and present) check out this site

Response #1 due by 5pm on Friday, 9/27

Tues., 10/1: Christian Virtues
Readings: *Acts of Paul and Thecla; *Susan Hylen, A Modest Apostle, ch. 3

For more information on the Acts of Paul and Thecla, including links to translations and further secondary sources, check out NASSCAL

Thurs., 10/3: No class (Rosh Hashana)

Tues., 10/8: Christian Institutions
Readings: Didache; Apostolic Tradition, ch. 1–4, 7–21

For more information what may be the oldest church structure discovered, at Dura Europos, click here and read an open-access scholarly book on the subject here

Thurs., 10/10: Christian Beliefs
Readings: Tertullian, Prescription against Heretics; Tertullian, Against Praxeas

For more information check out this map showing the "founders" of various Christian heresies

Tues., 10/15: No class (Monday schedule)

Discussion post #2 due by 9pm on Wednesday, 10/16: CANON

Thus., 10/17: Christian Texts
Readings: Muratorian fragment; Origen, On First Principles, 4.8–23

For more information here is a clickable timeline on the development of the New Testament

Tues., 10/22: Christian Triumph (?)
Readings: *Lactantius, On the Deaths of Persecutors; *Eusebius, Life of Constantine

For more information on a recent reconstruction of the 11 meter colossal statue of Constantine in Rome, check out the article and video here

III. Debating Christianity

Thurs., 10/24: God as Father and Son
Readings: *Introduction to “Trinitarian Controversies” and texts (Arius and Alexander); *Council of Nicaea

For more information see this map of the locations of the first four ecumenical councils

Response #2 due by 5pm on Friday, 10/25

Tues., 10/29: God as Father/Son/Spirit
Readings: *Gregory of Nazianzus, “Third Theological Oration”; *Council of Constantinople"

For more information check out these 25 top quotes from Gregory of Nazianzus

Thurs., 10/31: Julian and the End (?) of Paganism
Readings: *Julian’s Letters on Religion; *Wilken, “Julian the Apostate: Jewish Law and Christian Truth

For more information read this fun novel about Julian by American man of letters Gore Vidal

Discussion post #3 due by 9pm on Monday, 11/4: POWER

Tues., 11/5: Bishops and Urban Violence
Readings: *John Chrysostom, “First Speech Against the Judaizers”; Ambrose of Milan, “Letter to Theodosius”

For more information check out this report from the Middlebury Center on Terror, Extremism, and Counterterrorism on John Chrysostom and modern antisemitism

Thurs.,11/7: Christ as Human and Divine
Readings: *Correspondence of Nestorius and Cyril; *Council of Ephesus and Council of Chalcedon

For more information check out the movie Agora set earlier in Cyril's turbulent career in Alexandria

IV. Better Ways of Being Christian

Tues.,11/12: Founding Monastic Myths
Readings: *Life of Antony (excerpts); *“Pachomian Rules”

For more information read all about this site's background image, which is St. Antony encountering a centaur (from the Life of Paul of Thebes)

Thurs.,11/14: Ascetic Transformations
Readings: *Jerome, “Letter to Eustochium”; *Antony, Letters 1 and 5

For more information read this fun illustrated piece on "rebel virgins and desert mothers" from Atlas Obscura

Response paper #3 due by 5pm on Friday, 11/15

Tues., 11/19: Pilgrims and Relics
Readings: *Egeria, “Travel Journal”; The Piacenza Pilgrim

For more information read about scholar Sarah Bond's attempts to use modern spatial mapping software to visual early Christian pilgrimage

11/21-11/28: No class (Professor at conference & Thanksgiving)

Discussion post #4 due by 9pm on Monday, 12/2: SEXUALITY

Tues., 12/3: Reading/Living Holy Lives
Readings: *Life of Pelagia; Roland Betancourt, “Fragment: Toward a Critical Trans History of Byzantium”

For more information about the veneration of "Pelagia the Penitent" in modern Greek Orthodox churches, see this site on her saint's day

Thurs., 12/5: Human Nature and Salvation
Readings: *Jerome, “Letter to Ctesiphon”; *Augustine, Confessions (excerpt)

For more information check out this novel written from the standpoint of Augustine's "concubine"

Tues., 12/10: Conclusions
No readings

Response paper #4 due by 5pm on Friday, 12/13

Final exercise due by 12noon on Friday, 12/20

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