
Exam 1: Monday, March 6 (100 points)
Exam 2: Monday, May 8 2:00 pm (100 points). The exam will cover primarily the material studied since Exam 1.


Sakai Forum Posting

In the first week, you'll be divided into two teams (team MONDAY and team WEDNESDAY); each day before class, all of the members of a particular team are responsible for posting a comment, question, or observation based on the readings. Posts are due by midnight the night before class. We will select one or two posts to guide part of our discussions during class; you may be asked to expand upon or explain your post in class, so be thoughtful when you post in the forum!


Research Paper

The paper invites you to explore in greater depth some aspect of Jewish-Christian relations.  We have suggested some possible topics, but you are welcome to write on any aspect of Jewish-Christian relations that interests you.  Regardless of topic, your paper should be narrowly conceived.  We are more interested in depth than breadth.  
We strongly suggest you meet with us during the first weeks of class to discuss possible topics! Sign up slots will be available through Sakai for meeting times!
Possible topics to ponder:
  • defining the problem: what is anti-Judaism and antisemitism
  • differing interpretations of Scripture among Jews and Christians
  • importance of Christian Scripture in Christian attitudes towards Jews and Judaism
  • Jewish views of Jesus
  • demonization of the Jews in Medieval Europe (e.g., blood libel, Black Death)
  • specific events: e.g., Crusades, expulsions, Dreyfus affair
  • contributions of Christian theology to the Holocaust
  • problems and possibilities in contemporary Jewish-Christian dialogue
  • theological understandings of the other (e.g., specific writer or synthetic treatment)
  • representations of Jews in art and literature
All work is due by 12:00 noon on the dates indicated below, and should be submitted electronically.  Documents should be submitted preferably as a Word (.doc/.docx) document, Adobe (.pdf) and Word Perfect (.wpd) documents are also acceptable, and uploaded to the “Assignments” section in Sakai.  Points will be deducted for papers submitted after the deadline.  With extenuating circumstances (e.g., illness) we will accept late papers.  To request an extension you must indicate so in writing and include an indication that work has commenced on the assignment.
Please observe the following conventions when submitting papers:
  • use regular margins and 12-point font
  • include page numbers
  • citations may appear as footnotes, endnotes, or parenthetical form.  Whichever format you choose, follow it correctly and consistently.
Research assistance is available from Honnold Library
 All assignments will be turned in and returned (with grades and comments) through the "Assignments" tool on Sakai.

Stage 1: Project Proposal: due Friday, February 17 (10 points)

Submit a brief paper (200-300 words) identifying the general area or topic on which you intend to work and some of the issues you intend to examine.  

Stage 2: Annotated Bibliography: due Friday, March 24 (15 points)

Prepare an annotated bibliography (i.e., full citation with a brief paragraph describing the contents and its importance for your research), including at least five relevant sources beyond those listed in the syllabus.  Your bibliography must include at least one monograph and one scholarly article (i.e., from an academic journal or collection of essays).  Please include a brief description (three or four sentences) of your project.

Stage 3: Final paper: due Friday, April 28 (150 points)

The final research paper should be 12-15 page (double-spaced, or roughly 2500-3000 words) paper in length, and should employ an standard method of citations, such as footnotes, endnotes, or parenthetical citations.  The paper should also include a full bibliography.
The paper will be graded according to the following criteria:
  1. Topic: The paper identifies a topic that is focused and manageable.  While you may want to provide some general or background information, but the majority of the paper should focus on the particular topic.
  2. Sources: The paper reflects an awareness, proper understanding, and appropriate use of the relevant primary (e.g., ancient texts, artifacts) and secondary (e.g., scholarly articles and books) sources.  This is an academic paper that should reflect an understanding of academic discussions.  While the internet contains many sites that provide basic information, good analysis usually takes place in journal articles, books, and other scholarly writings.  
  3. Analysis: The paper develops insightful arguments based on the interpretation of the sources.  Present a clear argument or point of view that seeks not only to describe but to persuade based on an explanation of the evidence.
  4. Style: The paper conforms to proper rules of grammar, syntax, punctuation, and formatting (e.g., using page numbers).  Proofread your paper.




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