in Antiquity
Diotima: Materials
for the Study of Women and Gender in the Ancient World
Internet Women's History Sourcebook
Online Companion to The Worlds of Roman Women
"Hypatia, Ancient Alexandria's Great Female Scholar" (Smithsonian
Magazine, March 15, 2010)
PBS Nova
Special "Ancient Refuge in the Holy Land" (cave where Babatha Archive
was found
Senatus consultum de bacchanalibus (Roman decree against Dionysus-worship)
Religion in Antiquity
Calendar of Roman Festival Days
Companion to The Romans: chapter on religion
"From Jesus to Christ" PBS website
"The Greeks" PBS Website (links to sites on Religion and Mythology)
The Bible
Classical Studies Databases at the Claremont Libraries
Scripps College Classics Department (cooperative across 5Cs)
Scripps College Religious Studies Department (cooperative across 5Cs)
Gender & Women's Studies
Voice of
the Shuttle: Gender & Sexuality Studies
Gender & Women's Studies Databases at the Claremont Libraries
Gender & Women's Studies On-Line Resources (UC Berkeley)
Feminism & Women's
Studies (eServer)
Intercollegiate Women's Studies of the Claremont Colleges
Scripps College Gender & Women's Studies Department
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