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readings for the coming week.
For each class two sets of readings are listed: biblical readings
(either entire books or chapters of books); and outside readings
(articles, chapters, or books). All readings should be done before
class, and brought to class to facilitate discussion.
Aug 30: What is the Bible? What is Feminism?
Bible: Exodus 20:1-17 (The Ten Commandments); Ephesians 5:22-6:5
1. Junior, Introduction to Womanist Biblical Interpretation, chs. 1-2
Sept 6: How Have/Can/Should/Might Feminists Read the Bible?
Bible: Exodus 1; Ezekiel 16; Proverbs 8, 31:10-31; Romans 16; Galatians 3:28
Readings: 1. Junior, Introduction to Womanist Biblical Interpretation, ch. 5
2. Musa Dube, Postcolonial Feminist Interpretation of the Bible (Chalice Press, 2000), 3-43
3. Carol Meyers, "Was Ancient Israel a Patriarchal Society?" Journal of Biblical Literature 133 (2014): 8-27
Sept 13: Eve & Adam (& Lilith)
Bible: Genesis 1-4
1. Carol Meyers, Discovering Eve (Oxford, 1990), 95-121
2. Lilith legend from Alphabet of Ben Sira
3 Judith Plaskow, "The Coming of Lilith" and "Lilith Revisited" from The Coming of Lilith: Essays on Feminism, Judaism, and Sexual Ethics (Beacon Press, 2005)
Sept 20: Abraham & Sarah (& Hagar)
Bible: Genesis 16-22; Exodus 21:1-11; Galatians 4
Readings: 1. Junior, Introduction to Womanist Biblical Interpretation, ch. 6
2. Renita Weems, "A Mistress, A Maid, and No Mercy (Hagar and Sarah)," in Just a Sister Away (LuraMedia, 1988), 1-24 3. Wilda Gafney, Womanist Midrash: A Reintroduction to the Women of the Torah and the Throne (Westminster/John Knox, 2017), 2-9, 30-45
Sept 27: Queering the Hebrew Bible
Bible: Genesis 37-50; Leviticus 18; Ruth; 1 Samuel 16-20, 2 Samuel 1
1. "Joseph's Fabulous Technicolor Dreamcoat: Parashat Vayeshev (Genesis 37:1-40:23)," from Torah Queeries: Weekly Commentaries on the Hebrew Bible, ed. Gregg Drinkwater et al. (NYU Press, 2009), 53-59
2. Rebecca Alpert, "Finding our Past: A Lesbian Interpretation of the Book of Ruth," in Reading Ruth: Contemporary Women Reclaim a Sacred Story, ed. J. Kates and G. Reimer (Ballantine, 1994), 91-96
3. Lesleigh Cushing Stahlberg, "Modern Day Moabites: The Bible and the Debate about Same-Sex Marriage," Biblical Interpretation 16 (2008): 442-75
Oct 4: Covenant Purity
Bible: Exodus 21-22; Leviticus 12, 15, 18-20; Numbers 5-6, 30; Deuteronomy 22
1. Judith Plaskow, Standing Again at Sinai: Judaism from a Feminist Perspective (HarperOne, 1991), 25-74
2. Jonah Steinberg, "From a 'Pot of Filth' to a 'Hedge of Roses' (and
Back): Changing Theorizations of Menstruation in Judaism," Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 13.2 (1997): 5-26
3. Tova
Hartman and Naomi Marmon, "Lived Regulations, Systemic Attributions:
Menstrual Separation and Ritual Immersion in the Experience of Orthodox
Jewish Women," Gender & Society 18 (2004): 389-408
Oct 11: Was There a Goddess in Ancient Israel?
Bible: Judges 6; 1 Kings 15, 16:31-34, 18; Proverbs 1, 8, 9; Job 28
1. The Sophia of Jesus Christ
2. Judith Hadley, "From Goddess to Literary Construct: The Transformation of Asherah into Hokmah," in A Feminist Companion to Reading the Bible, ed. A . Brenner, C. Fontaine (Sheffield Press, 1997), 360-99
3. Pheme Perkins, "Sophia as Goddess in the Nag Hammadi Codices," in Images of the Feminine in Gnosticism, revd. ed. Karen King (Continuum, 2000), 96-112
Oct 18: The Red Tent
Bible: Genesis 27-50
Reading: Anita Diamant, The Red Tent
Oct 25 Jesus and Women (& Tolerance)
Bible: Gospel of Mark and additional selections from the gospels
1. Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, In Memory of Her: A Feminist Reconstruction of Christian Origins, chapter 4
2. Judith Plaskow, "Feminist Anti-Judaism and the Christian God," Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 7.2 (1991): 99-108
Nov 1: Paul and Women (& Gender )
Bible: 1 Corinthians and additional selections from Paul's letters
1. Dale B. Martin, "The Queer History of Galatians 3:28: 'No Male and Female," in Sex and the Single Savior (Westminster/John Knox, 2006), 77-90
2. Margaret Y. MacDonald, "Reading Real Women Through the Undisputed Letters of Paul," in Women and Christian Origins, ed. R.S. Kraemer and M.R. D'Angelo (Oxford University Press, 200), 199-220
3. Beverly Roberts Gaventa, "Our Mother St. Paul: Toward the Recovery of a Neglected Theme," in A Feminist Companion to Paul, ed. Amy-Jill Levine (T.&T. Clark, 2004), 85-97
Nov 8: Apocalypse: Whores, Virgins, Martyrs, and You
Bible: Mark 13; 1 Thessalonians 4; Revelation of John
1. Avaren Ipsen, BibleWorld: Sex Working and the Bible (Routledge, 2014), 166-204
2. Tina Pippin, Death and Desire: The Rhetoric of Gender in the Apocalypse of John (Westminster/John Knox, 1992), 45-68
Nov 15: Women's Authority in/from the New Testament
Bible: Romans 16; 1 Timothy; Ephesians
1. Acts of Thecla
2. Catherine Mumford Booth, "Female Ministry; or, Woman's Right to Preach the Gospel"
3. Jouette Bassler, "Limits and Differentiation: The Calculus of Widows in 1 Timothy 5:3-16," in A Feminist Companion to the Deutero-Pauline Epistles, ed. Amy-Jill Levine (T.&T. Clark, 2003), 122-46
Nov 22: No class (Thanskgiving)
Nov 29: The Handmaid's Tale
1. Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid's Tale
2. Alison Joseph, "The Handmaid's Tale as a Legitimate Reading of Genesis?" The Shiloh Project: Rape Culture, Religion, and the Bible (July 9, 2017)
Dec 6: Perspectives & Conclusions (by way of Mary Magdalene)
1. On-line gallery of Mary Magdalene images
2. James Carroll, "Who was Mary Magdalene?" Smithsonian Magazine July 2006 (and read the comments section)
3. explore the website
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