Daily morning Amidah (or Shemoneh esrei, or Eighteen Benedictions)
1. Blessed are you, Adonai our God and God of our fathers: God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of Jacob, great, might, and awesome God, God on High, performing acts of lovingkindness (hesed), who creates all, who remembers the righteousness (hesed) of the fathers, who will bring a Redeemer to their children's children, for his Name's sake, in love: King, Helper, Savior, and Shield. Blessed are you, Adonai, Shield of Abraham.
2. You are eternally mighty, Adonai, who brings the dead to life. You are great in salvation [in the spring: sending the wind and bringing down rain], who sustain life in lovingkindness (hesed), who brings he dead to life through great mercy, supports those who fall and heals those who ail, frees the prisoners and raises up those who lie in the dust. Who is like you, Master of the Mighty, who compares to you? O King who kills and gives life and who brings salvation, it is certain that you will bring the dead to life. Blessed are you, Adonai, who brings the dead to life.
3. You are holy, and your name is holy, and the Holy Ones [angels] praise you every day. Selah. Blessed are you, Adonai, holy God.
4. You grace humanity with knowledge, and teach humankind discernment. So grace us from your store of discernment and prudence, wisdom and knowledge. Blessed are you, Adonai, giver of knowledge.
5. Return us, Our Father, to your Law (Torah) and bring us near, Our King, to your worship, and restore us in full repentance before you. Blessed are you, Adonai, who accepts repentance.
6. Forgive us, Our Father, for we have sinned. Absolve us, Our King, for we have transgressed: for you absolve and forgive, for you are a good God and you have forgiven. Blessed are you, Adonai, great in your grace to forgive.
7. See that we are afflicted, and wage our wars and redeem us with a full redemption quickly, for your Name's sake. For you are the strong redeemer. Blessed are you, Adonai, redeemer of Israel.
8. Heal us, Adonai, and let us be healed; save us, and let us be saved, for you are our praise. And bring full and complete and speedy healing for all of our ailments and for all of our pains and all of our wounds. [Petitions for specific healing for sick individuals may be inserted here.] For you are God, the great King, certain and merciful healer. Blessed are you, Adonai, who heals the sick of his people Israel.
9. Bless for us, Adonai our God, this year and all its produce. Bestow a blessing on the earth, and satisfy us from its goodness, and bless our years as good years. Blessed are you, Adonai, who blesses the years.
10. Blow a great trumpet blast to free us, and lift up the banner to gather us in from our exile (galut), and gather us together from the four ends of the earth. Blessed are you, Adonai, who gathers together his people Israel.
11. Restore our judges, just as in the beginning, and our counselors, just as of old and remove from us grief and groaning, and reign over us, you, Adonai, alone, in lovingkindness (hesed) and mercy. Make us righteous through your righteous justice. Blessed are you, Adonai, King who possesses righteousness and justice.
12. And for those who slander us, let there be no hope, and let all wickedness vanish in an instant. May all your enemies, the enemies of your people, be quickly cut off, and as for the insolent may you quickly trouble, shatter, overthrow and humiliate them in our time. Blessed are you, Adonai, who shatters the enemies and humiliates the insolent.
13. Upon the righteous ones and upon the pious, and upon the elders of your people of the House of Israel, upon the escaped remnant of their scholars, and upon the strangers of righteousness [i.e., converts] and upon us, may your mercy be roused up, Adonai our God, and grant good reward to all those who truly trust in your Name, and place our portion with theirs forever. May we not be ashamed, for we trust in you. Blessed are you, Adonai, Staff and Support of the righteous ones.
14.And return in compassion to Jerusalem, your city, and dwell within her according to your promise, and rebuild her soon, in our time. And with her quickly set up the throne of your servant David. Blessed are you, Adonai, rebuilder of Jerusalem.
15. Quickly cause the shoot of your servant David to sprout, and raise up his horn for your salvation. For everyday we prepare for your salvation. Blessed are you, Adonai, who causes the horn of salvation to sprout.
16. Merciful Father, hear our voice, Adonai our God, have compassion and mercy upon us, and receive our prayer in mercy and goodwill. For you are a God who hears prayers and supplications. Do not send us from your presence, our King, in vain, for your hear the prayer of your people Israel with compassion. Blessed are you, Adonai, who hears prayer.
17. Adonai our God, accept your people Israel and their prayer. Restore the Temple worship to the inner sanctum of your House. And accept the prayer of Israel in love and goodwill, and may the Temple worship of your people Israel always be pleasing to you. And may our eyes gaze upon your return to Zion in mercy. Blessed are you, Adonai, who restores his Spirit (Shechinah) to Zion.
18. We thank you, for you are Adonai our God, and the God of our Fathers for ever and ever. Bedrock of our life, shield of our salvation are you from generation to generation. We are grateful to you and we recount your praise on account of our lives which are in your hands, and for our souls, which are in your charge, and for your miracles which are with us every day, and for your wonders and your good works, in every moment: evening and morning and noontime. For your goodness is never finished, your mercy and compassion and your lovingkindness (hesed) never cease, we have hope in you forever. And all that lives thanks you: Sela. And they praise your Name truly, God of our Salvation and our help: Sela. Blessed are you, Adonai, whose Name is goodness and to you thanks are due.
19. Grant peace, goodness, blessing, grace, lovingkindnes (hesed), and mercy upon us and upon all of Israel, your people. Bless us, our Father, all of us together, with the light of your countenance. For by the light of your countenance you have given to us, Adonai our God, the Torah of life and the love of lovingkindness (hesed), and righteousness and blessing and mercy and life and peace and goodness. And it is good in your eyes to bless your people Israel, in every moment and hour with your peace. Blessed are you, Adonai, who blesses his people Israel with peace.