Below you will find a chart listing the days, times, locations, and TAs for your weekly discussion sections. Below this chart, you will find links to the topics for discussion for each week.
Attendance at discussion sections in mandatory; you will be expected to have read and prepared the weekly assignment before going to section.
It is up to your individual Teaching Assistant to devise a means of calculating participation and attendance, so be sure you know what your TA expects of you.
Your TA may also decide to use some discussion section time to go over material from readings or lecture, or to help you prepare for written assignments and mini-exams.
To find out the office hours of your TA, or other contact information, please check the contact information page.
There will be no switching of sections.
Discussion section meeting information: Where, when, who?
Discussion section meeting information: What, how, why? (Follow these links to topics for discussion in section; prepare to discuss these topics ahead of time. It is probably a good idea to print them out to bring with you.)
Discussion Week One: Podium and Pulpit
Discussion Week Two: Monotheism: Why One God?
Discussion Week Three: Scriptures: Why sacred texts?
Discussion Week Four: Authority: Who's in charge?
Discussion Week Five: Ritual: What does "doing" do?
Discussion Week Six: Ethics: More than morality?
Discussion Week Seven: Materiality: Do "things" matter?
Discussion Week Eight: Politics and religion?
Discussion Week Nine: No discussion section
Discussion Week Ten: Open topic