These links are listed as reliable (but not infallible) starting points for your own exploration of western religions: the internet can be a mysterious and treacherous place, especially when it comes to religious studies, so always remember:  surfer beware!




This is the glossary from an introductory course in Western Religions at the University of Pennsylvania (why should I reinvent the wheel?)


Genesis:  A Living Conversation

Companion website of a PBS series featuring Bill Moyers in round-table discussion with Jewish, Christian, and Islamic interpreters (both scholars and non-scholars) of Genesis narratives.





Searchable, browsable on-line bible in a reliable translation (Revised Standard Version).


Judaism 101:  The calendar

Description of the history, numbering, and months of the Jewish solar-lunar calendar, with links to the dates and descriptions of the major Jewish annual festivals.



A megasite of Jewish information, news, and online resources.


Judaism 101

An online "encyclopedia" of Jewish information and "frequently asked questions," written from a traditional (orthodox) perspective.


Jewish denominations:

    Orthodox Union

    Conservative Judaism

    Reform Judaism



Internet Jewish History Sourcebook

Collection of links, primary documents, images, media resources.





Searchable, browsable on-line bible in a reliable translation (Revised Standard Version).


Directory of denominations on-line

The Google directory's listing of (current) Christian denominations with information online: more Christian denominations than you ever dreamed existed.


"From Jesus to Christ: The First Christians"

Companion website of a very reputable PBS documentary series on earliest Christianity (videos of documentary available in the UCR media library).


The Holy See

Home page of the Vatican, the center of the most populous Christian denomination in the world (Roman Catholicism)






Searchable, browsable on-line Qur'an.


Hadith of al-Bukari

Collections of sayings and stories (ahadith) in the collection by al-Bukari (d. 256 AH/870 CE); browse by hadith or search


Hadith of Muslim

Collections of sayings and stories (ahadith) in the collection by al-Bukari's student, al-Muslim (d. 261 AH/875 CE); browse by hadith or search


Islamic calendar

Convert dates in the Julian/Gregorian calendar (CE) into dates in the Islamic calendar (AH) (note: since the Islamic year is not 365 days, it is not just a matter of adding 622 to the CE date)


Islam: Empire of Faith

On-line companion to the lavish PBS documentary on the history of Islam (the site is not as lavish as the documentary, but still has some beautiful images)



On-line companion to yet another PBS documentary on issues facing contemporary Muslims around the world.


Muslim Women's League (U.S.A.)

"A nonprofit American Muslim organization working to implement the values of Islam and thereby reclaim the status of women as free, equal and vital contributors to society."


Internet Islamic History Sourcebook

Collection of links, primary documents, images, media resources